Muhammad Shollahuddin, a student of the Arabic Language and Literature Study Program (BSA) at Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) Yogyakarta, succeeded in winning silver medalist in the opinion branch in the 2023 ASEAN Virtual Student Opinion Competition (VSOC). This competition was held by Universitas Brawijaya (UB) , Malang, which collaborates with the North University of Malaysia (UUM) and several other universities online.
The competition timeline starts from 1 September 2023 for registration, 10 October 2023 for submission of works, and 15 November 2023 for announcements. More than 700 participants took part in this international level event. The students came from various countries, with two categories, namely opinion and poster branches.
Starting from his worries about the world of education in Indonesia, Shollahuddin or who is often called Uud, finally participated in an opinion competition. The theme he raised was “Education Human and Resources in Indonesia” with the hope that education in Indonesia will not be like this and can develop even more for its human resources.
“With the education that exists in Indonesia today, human resources automatically don’t have the capacity. They cannot commit to existing standard operating procedures (SOPs) when they have not been developed. Because, with further development it will follow international SOPs. “So, you are not just a consumer but also a producer,” said Uud.
According to him, through this competition, Uud wants to test the strength of his opinion and how to defend it. Apart from that, he also has the desire to write something related to science. “By taking part in this competition, I can measure my inner qualities, especially my ability to form opinions,” he said.
Lastly, he hopes to be able to create opinions more often and create works. “Through this small step, I hope I can become a great writer and lecturer,” he concluded. (Zah)
Source: Kumparan