Ponselrakyat.com, Makassar – In an effort to improve the quality of its human resources, Bumi Karsa participated in organizing the Conference of ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations (CAFEO).
Where CAFEO is a regular meeting place between engineering union organizations throughout Southeast Asia.
This year, Indonesia hosted CAFEO which was attended by around 1,000 engineers from Southeast Asia and took place at The Westin, Nusa Dua, Bali, from 21 to 23 November 2023.
At the 41st year of the CAFEO event, Bumi Karsa again received the ASEAN Engineer Register (AER) certificate. As is known, AER is a registration certificate for professional engineers given by The ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations (AFEO), an engineering organization in Southeast Asia.
This aims to provide basic standardization regarding the engineering profession in facing global competition.
The Bumi Karsa engineers who received AER certificates include Kamaluddin – Chief Executive Officer, Fajaruddin – Chief Business Development Officer, Indra Laksamana – General Manager Region II.
Then, Anwar Gandi – General Manager Region III, Rusdi Usman Latief – General Manager Building & MEP Construction, Mahading – General Manager Engineering, Development & Marketing, Anshar Rahman – General Manager Equipment & Assets, Andi Nadiwan – Unit Manager Kuncio Energy, and Muh . Idris – Engineering Manager.
Bumi Karsa Chief Business Development Officer, Fajaruddin said, this certificate is recognition of Indonesian engineers in the ASEAN region.
He said that currently, if you want to work outside Indonesia with engineering status, you must be certified in ASEAN Engineering.
“Individually, we really need to comply with the requirements when there are international projects, as well as corporately,” said Fajaruddin.
He said that, as a corporation that is already on a national scale, it must think forward to become an international scale. At least in the Southeast Asia region, because there are further certifications such as the ASEAN Pacific.
“The area covers Asia to Australia. “So we are preparing our human resources, if one day in the future an investor enters the country and is looking for business partners, Bumi Karsa is ready and meets the certification requirements of ASEAN Engineer and ASEAN Pacific Engineer,” he added.
Meanwhile, Dr. Ir. Danis Hidayat Sumadilaga, M.Eng.Sc., IPU., ACPE., ASEAN Eng. as the 41st Chairman of the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organization I (AFEO) and General Chair of the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII), said that AER registration is important so that Indonesian engineers have high mobility so they can work on projects abroad and even occupy strategic positions such as project managers. to project director.
The condition for being proposed to the AER is that engineers must be at least at the Intermediate Professional Engineer (IPM) level required by the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII).
“In the future, Bumi Karsa is pushing itself to improve its quality as an engineer because with the title of ASEAN Engineer, we must have the capacity and capability in accordance with the standards set. In terms of quality, Bumi Karsa has received recognition. “Gradually, in the next three years, Bumi Karsa targets to include all engineers at the Intermediate Professional Engineer (IPM) certification level so that they can enter the ASEAN Engineer Register (AER),” concluded Fajaruddin.
Bumi Karsa, which is a subsidiary of KALLA which operates in the construction, investment and heavy equipment sectors, has produced various best construction works for more than 50 years in various regions and remote areas of the country and has gained the government’s trust to handle several National Strategic Projects (PSN).
Source: Pedoman Rakyat